adobe photoshop all shortkey in 2023 and how to use these Shortcuts in photoshop

Adobe Photoshop All Shortcuts

1. Change image size
Control + Alt + i (Command + Option + i )

2. Change canvas size
Control + Alt + c (Command + Option + c )

3. Zoom in
Control + + (Command + + )

4. Zoom out
Control + - (Command + - )

5. Scale Proportionately
Hold the shift key while selecting the object

6. Scale in place (from center of the object)
Hold shift + option while selecting the object

7. Show Rulers
Control + r (Command + r)

8. Show or hide the grid (the automatically-generated horizontal and vertical lines that help align objects to the canvas.)

Control + ' (Command + ' )

Selecting the Correct Tools

These keyboard shortcuts will launch several tool groups, such as "Lasso," "Brush," or "Spot Healing Brush." But there are several functionalities inside these instruments. For instance, the "Magic Wand" tool group gives you the choice to make a new selection or modify an existing one.

9. Pointer, a.k.a. Move Toolpointer-tool.png
10. Magic Wandmagic-wand-tool.png
11. Rectangular Marquee, a.k.a. the Select Toolmarquee-tool-1.png
12. Lassolasso-tool.png

13. Eyedroppereyedropper-tool.png

14. CropScreen Shot 2017-05-26 at 12.09.20 PM.png

15. EraserScreen Shot 2017-05-26 at 12.21.32 PM.png

16. Rectanglerectangle-tool.png

17. Horizontal Typetext-tool.png

18. BrushScreen Shot 2017-05-26 at 12.15.15 PM.png

19. History Brush


20. Spot Healing Brushspot-healing-tool.png

21. GradientScreen Shot 2017-05-26 at 12.14.32 PM.png

22. Path Selectionpath-selection-tool.png

23. Handhand-tool.png

24. Rotate Viewrotate-view-tool.png

25. Penpen-tool.png

26. Clone Stampclone-stamp-tool.png

27. DodgeScreen Shot 2017-05-26 at 12.16.48 PM.png

28. Zoom Toolzoom-tool.png

29. Default Foreground and Background ColorsScreen Shot 2017-05-26 at 12.23.24 PM.png

30. Switch Foreground and Background ColorsScreen Shot 2017-05-26 at 12.25.24 PM.png

31. Edit in Quick Mask ModeScreen Shot 2017-05-26 at 12.26.26 PM.png

32. Change Screen ModeScreen Shot 2017-05-26 at 12.27.48 PM.png

33. Full Screen

By means of the Brush Tool

You may alter the size, shape, and transparency of your brush strokes using the brush parameters to create a variety of distinct visual effects. You must first choose the Brush tool by selecting b.brush-tool.png before you can utilise these keyboard shortcuts.

34. Select previous or next brush style
, or .

35. Select the first or last brush style used
Shift + , or .

36. Display precise crosshair for brushes
Caps Lock or Shift + Caps Lock (Caps Lock)

37. Toggle airbrush option
Shift + Alt + p (Shift + Option + p)

Making use of the Marquee Tool for Slicing and Selecting
The marquee tool, when used properly, enables you to choose out certain components or full graphics, as well as control what is copied, cut, and pasted into your images. First, pick the Marquee tool by hitting m.marquee-tool-2.png before using these keyboard shortcuts.

38. Toggle between Slice tool and Slice Selection tool
Control (Command)

39. Draw square slice
Shift + drag

40. Draw from center outward
Alt + drag (Option + drag)

41. Draw square slice from center outward
Shift + alt + drag (Shift + option + drag)

42. Reposition the slice while creating the slice
Spacebar + drag

Utilizing Various Blending Methods

A variety of characteristics are included in blending choices to improve the appearance of your artwork. You may always select a blending option by heading to Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options on the top menu bar. Alternatively, you may double-click any layer to display its settings.

Keyboard shortcuts can be used to pick blending options after they have been opened without using the mouse. The Move tool ("v") must be selected before the layer you want to utilise the blending settings on may be chosen in order to use the shortcuts. Some of the most common modes are listed below.

43. Cycle through blending modes
Shift + + or –

44. Normal mode
Shift + Alt + n (Shift + Option + n)

45. Dissolve
Shift + Alt + i (Shift + Option + i)

46. Darken
Shift + Alt + k (Shift + Option + k)

47. Lighten
Shift + Alt + g (Shift + Option + g)

48. Multiply
Shift + Alt + m (Shift + Option + m)

49. Overlay
Shift + Alt + o (Shift + Option + o)

50. Hue
Shift + Alt + u (Shift + Option + u)

51. Saturation
Shift + Alt + t (Shift + Option + t)

52. Luminosity
Shift + Alt + y (Shift + Option + y)

Check out these Adobe hints for further specialised blending shortcuts.

Changing Layers and Objects
Following are some keyboard shortcuts you can find useful if you wish to alter an item or create a complicated scene with several layers:

53. Select all objects Control + a (Command + a ) 54. Deselect all objects Control + d (Command + d ) 55. Select the inverse of the selected objects Shift + Control + i (Shift + Command + i ) 56. Select all layers Control + Alt + a (Command + Option + a) 57. Merge all layers Control + Shift + E (Command + Shift + e) 58. Select top layer Alt + . (Option + .) 59. Select bottom layer Alt + , (Option + ,)

Note that in shortcuts 55–57, the letters in the brackets ([]) stand in for the keystrokes in the command, and the term "OR" refers to the actual word, not the letters "o" and "r."

60. Select next layer down or up
Alt + [ OR ] (Option + [ OR ])

61. Move target layer down or up
Control + [ OR ] (Command + [ OR ])

62. Move layer to the bottom or top
Control + Shift + [ OR ] (Command + Shift + [ OR ])

63. Create a new layer
Shift + Control + n (Shift + Command + n)

64. Group selected layers
Control + g (Command + g)

65. Ungroup selected layers
Control + Shift + g (Command + Shift + g)

66. Merge and flatten selected layers
Control + e (Command + e)

67. Combine all layers into a new layer on top of the other layers
Control + Shift + Alt + e (Command + Shift + Option + e)

In contrast to the standard merge-and-flatten layers command, this step gives you a single merged layer with all of its components in separate levels underneath.

68. Transform your object (includes resizing and rotating)
Control + t (Command + t) 69. Multiple Undos Control + Alt + z (Command + Option + z)

Last but not least, save your work for later.
Congratulations! Your project is now ready to be shared with the world because you've finished working on it. Use these quick fixes to save time on your project:

70. Save as
Control + Shift + s (Command + Shift + s)

71. Save for web and devices
Control + Shift + Alt + s (Command + Shift + Option + s)
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